T918 4v4 Fall Festival
Registration payments must be received before a team can participate.
Entry fees are non-refundable in the event of a no-show. If a team withdraws from the event before the registration deadline, a refund may be given only if another team can be found as a replacement.
Any team withdrawing after the event registration deadline will forfeit their tournament fees.
Teams will register and email copies of the Players Birth Certificates to the Tournament Director before November 12th, 2020 - check in information will be provided to participants.
All team managers and / or coaches must carry an event approved proof of age document and a medical release form for players on their roster.
Any team or player determined by the event director to have falsified age will be dismissed from the tournament.
Each team will be guaranteed a minimum of 3 games and teams will participate in pool play.
All rosters are final upon completion of the team’s first game. Eight is the maximum number of players on a team; there are a maximum of four field players on the field at one time. Players may only play on one team. There are no goalkeepers in 4v4 soccer.
Teams are required to have alternate jerseys. Jerseys are not required to be numbered.
All players are required to wear appropriate shin guards. Any player without shin guards will not be allowed to play.
Both teams are responsible for providing a game ball of the correct size and inflated properly to the referee prior to the start of the game.
The home team is listed first or on top in the schedule. Teams will sit on opposite sides of the field. In case of color conflict, the home team shall change jerseys.
Game Time: 24 minutes
Half Time: No Half Time
Ball Size: 3, 4 or 5
Field Dimension (Approx): 40yd x 30yd
Goal Size (Approx): 4h x 6w
No offside
A game will be declared a forfeit if a team is not ready to play at the designated time.
A game will be considered completed if terminated after completion of the first half of play. An example would be inclement weather.
Games tied after regulation play shall end in a tie, except in the playoffs.
GOAL SCORING: A goal may only be scored from a touch (offensive or defensive) within a team’s offensive half of the field (Ball must be completely on the offensive half of the field). If a player in their defensive half kicks the ball across midline and the ball hits another player (offensive or defensive) and the ball goes in the goal, a goal will be awarded.
THE GOAL BOX: The goal box, approximately eight feet wide by five feet long, is directly in front of the goal. A defending player residing in the goal box who makes contact with the ball will result in a penalty kick from the half field line. An offensive player residing in the goal box who makes contact with the ball will result in a goal kick. Any part of the ball or player’s body on the line is considered being in the goal box.
PLAYOFF/GOLDEN GOAL/PENALTY SHOOTOUT: The winner shall be decided by a penalty kick shootout of the 4 players remaining on the field at the end of the game for 4v4. If still tied after 4, then sudden death penalty kicks beginning with the players on the team that have not kicked yet. In the event teams are still tied, then begin with the first kicker and continue with sudden death penalty kicks until there is a winner.
PENALTY KICKS: It is a direct kick taken from the center of the midfield line with all players behind the midfield line and the player taking the kick. This is a “dead ball” kick. If a goal is not scored, the defense obtains possession with a goal kick.
5-YARD RESTART RULE: In all restart situations, defending players must stand at least five yards away from the ball. If the defensive player’s goal is closer than five yards, the ball shall be played five yards from the goal box, in line with the place of the foul.
KICK INS: The ball shall be kicked into play from the sideline instead of thrown in. The ball is considered in play when the ball is touched with a foot and moves one full rotation.
INDIRECT KICKS: All dead ball kicks (kick ins, free kicks, kickoffs) are indirect with the exception of corner/penalty kicks.
GOAL KICKS: May be taken from any point on the end line.
KICK OFF: May be taken in any direction.
SUBSTITUTIONS: May be made at any dead ball situation, but players must get referees attention and enter and exit at the half-field mark only.
Team standings will be based on the following scoring system:
3 points for a Win
0 points for a Loss
1 point for a Tie
Mercy Rule: If a team is down by 10 goals, the referee will end the game immediately
A game that is forfeited will be recorded as a 3-0 score and the winner will receive 3 points. The team forfeiting will be disqualified from the event.
Tie-breaker system is as follows:
Goal differential
Most shutouts
Fewest goals allowed
Penalty kicks
A T918 Champions T-shirt will be given to the winner.
Referee decisions are final; no protests will be allowed.
All games will be officiated by Tulsa 918 Futbol Academy Staff.
Referees have the right to eject a player from the game for continual disobedience or as a result of an incident that warrants sending the player off. The tournament director will decide suspension from additional games.
Players, coaches and spectators are expected to act in the nature of good sportsmanship at all times. Abuse of the referees will not be tolerated. Any instance of such conduct will disqualify the responsible team from the event.
We will create and use a notification system specific to each event in order to effectively communicate with participants. Participants are encouraged to register for this service.
Tournament entry fees are not refundable if inclement weather forces the cancellation of the event.
If inclement weather causes a change in the schedule please check the posted schedule and/or website. (www.tulsa918fa.com)
Any matters not provided for shall be determined by the Tournament Director(s), whose decision will be final.